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- Written by: Feodor
In 2023, there were upheavals in the German sceptics’ movement. Among other things, a debate arose about social science studies. In this context, one of the critics, the publicist Florian Aigner, wrote two opinion essays. An analysis of these essays attempts to identify some of the positions underlying this dissent.

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- Written by: Feodor
Which form of scepticism is appropriate in the context of science? Is it the withholding of judgement or the reservation of error? Is there such a thing as true scepticism? What can the term pseudo-scepticism mean? Is the sceptic movement pseudo-sceptical? Is the natural lawfulness of the world as a hypothetical assumption necessary for science or is it an arbitrary dogma that cannot be criticised?

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- Written by: Amardeo Sarma
When I started skeptical activities in the early 1980s, I assumed that there was a millennia-old tradition in which the principles of skepticism had been developed. It soon became apparent that it wasn't that simple and that there was no such thing as skepticism per se.